Your Patsystems Trading Robot
Description of EUROSET_Trading.
Trades automatisation with Euroset_Trading :
You can use the robot with all trading softwares which can create files on the hard disk : Tradestation®, etc.
Euroset Trading reads the disk every tenth second, and pass the order via Internet.
Euroset Trading can manage infinity of orders on infinity of accounts.

Fonctions de trading supplémentaire d’Euroset_Trading :
Orders passage with a siple click on BUY or SELL button
- Direct click sur Bid/Ask to Stop buy and Stop sell.
- Cancellation of stop positions with one click
- Cancellation of all buy positions with the « Buy Cancel » button
- Cancellation of all sell Positions with the « Sell cancel » button
- Cancellation of all waiting orders
- Restauration of all cancelled orders
- We can trade on many accounts automatically or manually
- Tradind on all the markets permitted by the broker.
- Complet display of 2 markets. (Bid,Ask,Voumes)
- Choice of market, contract and expiration date.
- Start the robot.
- Stop the robot.
- State of the Price Server
- State of the Transaction Server.
- Warning of internet breakings.
- Increase/Decrease Limit price with the + or – buttons.
- List in real time of the last ten value and volume of the contract, whith date ans time.
- Report of all the trades of the day.
- Avertissement des ordres en réseau ( sur un nombre illimité de postes ). Logiciel d’avertissement réseau d’EUROSET.
- Warning of new order passed by the robot on all computers on the lan.
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